2005-02-25 8:23

Update van de British Fierljeppen Society

Naar het indoorspektakel op 26 maart kunnen ze helaas niet komen, maar op het NFM 2005 zijn de Britten uit Huddersfield weer van de partij. Een bericht van Andy Chattaway

Many thanks for the offer of attending and staying over at the first Indoor World Championships. Myself, my girlfriend, Steve and David have all tried to accommodate this event, but unfortunately we are all occupied and will only just be able to make the NFM.

Having now attended these events for 14 years I find it difficult to accept that we will miss the first indoor championships, but I guess that is life.

We are still working towards building a bigger team by advertising with our new leaflets and bringing more people to the NFM as well as looking for funding for a small venue here in Yorkshire. However it is difficult with the sport virtually unknown over here.

I hope all goes well in March and look forward to catching up with the news

Best regards


Hierbij in pdf formaat ook het "promotional leaflet" wat gebruikt wordt om de sport in Engeland te promoten
Pagina 1
Pagina 2

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